The Basics of Plumbing

Plumbing Express, Inc. is a skill that takes time to learn and master. But when problems arise, the right plumber can make all the difference.


Plumbers are responsible for installing and maintaining pipes that convey water, gas, and waste within a building or structure. They also work with customers to understand their needs and provide advice on plumbing solutions.

The water supply is the infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage, and distribution of water to homes, commercial buildings, and public utilities for use in drinking, cooking, washing, and flushing toilets. It includes water from natural sources such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and it may also be obtained through desalination or the exploitation of underground aquifers. It is vital for human health and wellbeing, and the destruction of its infrastructure by natural disasters or wars can have severe consequences.

Most urban and suburban areas get their water from large, networked systems of pipes, called water mains, that run under the streets. These pipes are normally buried several feet below ground level to protect them from freezing in the winter. They begin at a water source, such as a river, lake, or dam, and then branch out into tributaries until they reach individual homes or other buildings. They then enter the building and pass through a water meter, which records how much water is used.

Many of these water systems are designed to operate using gravity, although the water pressure may be supplemented with pumps, particularly for rapid distribution from one part of a network to another. The piping network is usually designed as a grid to avoid dead ends, and it may be circular or rectangular in shape. This allows individual sections to be isolated for maintenance or repair without disrupting the rest of the network.

The piping network is normally pressurised to ensure that water flows through the network, and to prevent untreated water in the ground from entering it. This is typically achieved by pumping water into a storage tank constructed at the highest point in the network.

In some countries, local governments are responsible for the water supply, but in others it is a matter for regional or national government, or even private enterprise (see water privatization). The operation of such networks requires good management and maintenance, including regular inspections to ensure that they continue to function properly. In the case of a pipe network, these inspections should include checking that the pipes are free from damage, and that they have the correct water quality. If a pipe is damaged, it must be repaired before water can flow through it again.


Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of excess surface and subsurface water. It is vital for soil health, preventing flooding and stormwater runoff, maintaining groundwater quality and managing water resources effectively.

The drainage system within a structure consists of piping that conveys wastewater to a waste treatment system or sewage disposal system. Typically, the piping is made of metal or plastic and includes open drains as well as closed drains. Open drains allow drainage water to flow downhill, while closed drains trap the water and sewage within them until it is discharged.

A drainage system also includes a pumping station to move wastewater, which is then transported to the sewer system through a series of pipes. A pumping station is powered by electricity or diesel fuel and operates using a positive-displacement pump or a centrifugal pump. It can also be operated manually by a person.

Drainage systems are used for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. They are designed to remove excess water from the building and keep wastewater and sewage away from the structures. This type of plumbing system is essential for ensuring the safety and health of the occupants, as it eliminates contaminated water and prevents the buildup of dangerous bacteria.

In hospitals, drainage is important to reduce the risk of infection and improve patient outcomes. Proper drainage is achieved through a combination of appropriate drain indication, selection, placement and monitoring. This involves knowledge of basic hygienic design principles, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of different drain types.

The most common drains are Jackson-Pratt drains, thoracostomy tubes and peritoneal catheters. These are placed under direct vision, and the site is regularly inspected and cleaned to ensure proper drainage. In addition, a negative pressure should be maintained in the vicinity of the drain to maximize fluid evacuation and collapse dead space.

When changing a drain, it is important to wear disposable gloves, as this will prevent the spread of microorganisms from one hand to another. When the drain is removed, the site should be thoroughly cleansed and covered with a sterile dressing. It is also important to document the procedure and findings according to agency policy.


Ventilation is the movement of air into and out of a space. It provides for the exchange of fresh air, diluting pollutants such as fumes, dusts and odours and controlling temperature and humidity in a space. Ventilation can be achieved naturally through openings such as windows or doors, or mechanically through ventilation fans. Ventilation is a key engineering control for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality, and should not be used as a substitute for source control of pollutants.

During construction and renovation, it is important to maintain adequate ventilation in any work area. This will ensure that the work environment is not contaminated with dust, vapours and gases generated by various activities such as welding, grinding, soldering, sanding and spray painting. It will also help to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and other infectious agents by ensuring that waste materials are properly disposed of.

A plumbing system has two main components: the drainage system and the venting system. The drainage portion consists of pipes that lead from the water fixtures in a building to the sewer system. It also includes traps at each fixture to prevent foul odours from entering the house. Ventilation pipes are also required to connect the drainage system to the outside air so that fresh make-up air can be introduced into the house.

Good ventilation will keep the pollutant concentrations below the exposure limits in the occupant breathing zone. It will also help to dilute metabolic pollutants such as carbon dioxide and odours. It will also allow for heat recovery and cooling (especially in dwellings) and will supply oxygen to combustion appliances.

The ventilation system should be designed so that the air distribution is efficient and the amount of pollutants produced in each work area are controlled. This will require careful consideration of the type and size of equipment and the nature of the work to be undertaken, in addition to the worksite layout. It will also be necessary to identify the hazards that could result from poor ventilation and consider appropriate controls such as a portable fume hood or exhaust systems.

Drain Cleaners Can Be Dangerous

A clogged drain can cause water to overflow into your home. This can damage your floors and walls, leading to costly repairs and replacements.

Drain Cleaners

Most reputable plumbers strongly recommend against chemical Philadelphia Drain Cleaners. These formulas can do more harm than good to your plumbing system, and they’re dangerous for the environment.

Chemical drain cleaners are pure or mixtures of chemicals that can be poured down a drain to help break up and dissolve blockages of hair, grease, food, soap scum, and other organic materials. They are typically available through hardware stores and work by creating a chemical reaction with the material that is causing the blockage. These reactions are often faster and more effective than other methods, such as using a plumbing snake or manual drain auger.

Caustic drain cleaners are often the most common, and they usually contain sodium hydroxide. This strong base decomposes hair and fats into water soluble substances while also producing heat to help melt the blockage. It can be dangerous and damaging to pipes, however, especially if it comes into contact with metal or glazed surfaces. It is also very corrosive and can burn skin, mucous membranes, and eyes if splashed. It can also react with other household cleaners to produce toxic fumes.

Oxidizing drain cleaners are often the next most common chemical cleaners. These are often less harsh than caustic drain cleaners and can be found in many household bleach products, peroxides, and nitrates. These chemicals work by oxidizing the organic material that is clogging the drain, which causes it to lose electrons and break up. These cleaners are also heavier than water and move through standing or stagnant water faster than caustic drain cleaners.

Acidic drain cleaners are the harshest chemicals and are rarely used. They typically contain sulphuric or hydrochloric acid ingredients that create a chemical reaction with the clogged material to dissolve it. These cleaners can be harmful to your whole plumbing system as well as the environment, and they are typically reserved for very serious clogs when all other methods have failed.

Bio-Clean Drain Septic Bacteria is an alternative to chemical drain cleaners that works by introducing bacteria into your pipes and plumbing fixtures. These bacteria then begin to grow and eat away at the organic material that is causing the clog. This process is slow, and it requires at least one overnight application to fully clear a blocked drain.


Drain cleaners are a powerful tool to have, but they can be dangerous if improperly used. They are corrosive and often contain harmful chemicals that can cause serious burns if they come into contact with your skin or eyes. They can also damage pipes if the wrong product is used or if the directions are not followed correctly.

Chemical drain cleaners work by dissolving blockages in pipes, so they can eliminate clogs that would otherwise be difficult to remove. They can dissolve hair, grease, food, and other materials that build up in drains and garbage disposals, causing slow or partial clogs. However, it’s important to know the type of pipe you have and what the clog is made of before using a chemical drain cleaner. Not all products are suitable for every type of pipe or clog, and some may even be toxic to septic systems. It’s crucial to check the label and only use chemical drain cleaners recommended for your pipes.

Safety is a priority when using any type of drain cleaning machine, including handheld machines. These powerful tools can cause severe injury if not handled properly and can also contaminate the surrounding area with bacteria, bloodborne pathogens, or other hazardous substances.

Handheld drain and sewer cleaners must be used in a well-ventilated area to prevent exposure to these dangerous chemicals. The proper safety gear must be worn at all times, including rubber gloves and goggles to protect your skin from the chemicals. It’s also essential to wear protective clothing, like long-sleeved shirts and pants, to avoid splashing the cleaner on your clothes or skin.

Before using any chemical drain cleaner, review the product’s Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to understand the hazards and proper handling instructions. Read customer reviews and feedback to identify brands with the best track record of safety performance. It’s also a good idea to research the different products available to determine which ones are most effective for your situation. Lastly, make sure that any powered equipment has a ground-fault circuit interrupter to prevent electric shock. This device can shut down the machine if it detects current leakage, which is the most common cause of electrocution while using drain cleaning machines.


There are many factors that affect the cost of drain cleaning services. These include the location of the clog, the method used to clear it, and whether or not other plumbing repairs are required. In general, plumbers charge a minimum service fee just to come out and assess the situation. This allows them to accurately quote their costs to you before beginning the work.

Liquid drain cleaners often create a chemical reaction inside of the pipe that breaks down some of the organic material causing the blockage, but not all. They can also cause damage to your pipes when they eat away at the metal and plastic components. If you have old or galvanized steel pipes, this can lead to leaks and corrosion over time.

The DIY option for a simple clog involves using a plunger, which typically works well on sink and toilet clogs close to the drain opening. However, for larger clogs, a hand-held drain snake may be needed. You can purchase these at hardware or discount stores for about $5, or bend a hook on the end of a wire hanger and feed it down the drain to get to the clog. These are effective tools for breaking up and removing hair, food waste, and other small debris.

Most clogs result from buildup of organic materials that accumulate over time in your pipes and drains. These can include soap scum, grease, hair, paper products, and other common household waste. Most clogs can be cleared easily by professional plumbers, who use more advanced and effective tools to do so. In addition to clearing out the clog, they can identify and fix the underlying issues that are contributing to it.

Although the initial expense of hiring a professional might seem expensive, it will save you money in the long run. Investing in regular professional drain cleaning services helps to prevent blockages, reduces the need for costly repairs, and ensures that your home’s plumbing will function properly for years to come. The average drain cleaning cost for a residential home is between $100 and $300, but this can vary depending on the specific needs of your property.

Leaving It to the Pros

The chemicals in store-bought drain cleaners are dangerous to humans and pets, whether they come into contact with skin, lungs or eyes. If ingested, they can cause serious health problems including liver and kidney damage. Many of these products are also corrosive to pipes and can eat away at metal. This can result in broken, leaky pipes down the line.

While DIY drain cleaners can work on small clogs, they are often ineffective against more serious ones. Professionals have the tools and skills to clean entire plumbing systems, even sewer lines, and can catch potential issues before they turn into big problems. They can also use cameras to check out pipes and see what’s causing the problem.

If you find yourself with a blocked drain, try to remove as much of the clog as possible before using cleaners. This will save you time and money in the long run. If you can’t get rid of the clog yourself, flushing with hot water can help. Make sure to pour the hot water slowly and let it work for several seconds between each pour. If you still can’t get the clog to clear, it’s best to call a plumber.

A more natural way to unclog a drain is by mixing baking soda and vinegar. This solution works to break down clogs by dissolving the build-up of fats, oils and hair in your drains. You can also try using a plunger or snake to break up the clog and then flushing with hot water.

When it comes to a major clog, you should always call a plumber. They have the tools and skills to clean your whole plumbing system and can use hydro-jetting machines to blast away tough blockages and clean pipes. They can also spot and fix future issues before they become bigger problems, saving you both time and money in the long run.

If you’re looking for a safe, eco-friendly alternative to chemical drain cleaners, consider an enzyme drain cleaner. These products rely on bacteria or enzymes to break down the organic material that causes clogs, including food waste, grease and hair. These natural cleaners are safe for kids, pets and the environment, and won’t damage your pipes or release toxic fumes.